Perfect for the heated pool, this workout will get you results fast.
Grab your (pool) noodle. Turns out, the ubiquitous foam toy is also an ultra-effective tone-up tool. "Because the device is buoyant, you have to engage multiple muscle groups to counter its flotation, burning calories and firming in the process," says N. Travis Triplett, PhD, professor and Interim Health and Exercise Chair at Appalachian State University.
The trainer Mike Nicholson, a pro at The Sports Center at Chelsea Piers in New York City, We borrowed this from Self (which originally ran in 2010).
The plan Complete three sets of reps for each sculptor three times per week on nonconsecutive days.
1 Cannonball
Float in deep water with noodle wrapped around upper back and under arms, hands on either end. Extend legs toward pool bottom, feet together, toes pointed. Engage abs and raise knees toward chest (as shown). Hold for two seconds, then straighten legs for one rep. Do 20 reps.
works abs, hips, legs
2 Stair master
Photo courtesy Jorg Badura
Start floating with feet on pool ladder, holding noodle with both hands shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you. Engage abs to stabilize and push noodle toward pool bottom, keeping arms straight, until in plank position (as shown). Hold 30 seconds. Return to start for one rep. Do 10 reps.
works arms, back, abs, hips
3 Drop anchor
Holding pool ladder with both hands, elbows bent, place noodle under stomach and float with legs extended behind you, feet together. Engage abs to stabilize and lower legs toward pool bottom, so body forms a 90-degree angle (as shown). Return to start for one rep. Do 20 reps.
works abs, hips, butt, legs
4 Deep-sea dive
Stand with feet hip-width apart in waist-deep water, holding noodle on water's surface with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Press arms down as you raise left leg behind you until parallel to pool bottom (as shown). Return to start for one rep. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
works arms, chest, back, abs, butt, legs
5 Cheek chiseler
Stand with feet hip-width apart in chest-deep water, holding noodle up with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart at water's surface. Squat, submerging noodle to knees (as shown), then stand as you rotate torso to right, moving noodle through water to right side. Rotate back to center. Repeat squat sequence on left side for one rep. Do 20 reps.
works butt, abs, obliques, legs
6 Synchronized slimmer
Float on back with noodle under knees, arms extended out to sides. Crunch, bringing hands toward knees inside noodle (as shown). Return to start for one rep. Do 20 reps.
works abs
7 Liquid lunge
Stand with feet hip-width apart in chest-deep water and hold one end of noodle in each hand, arms extended in front of you underwater, noodle bent into a U. Push noodle toward pool bottom as you lift left leg and step over noodle into a lunge (as shown). Step back to start. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 10 reps.
works arms, chest, back, butt, legs
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